Sunday, September 21, 2014

Truly MIA...

I never really meant to take a break, it just kind of happened.  And I became one of those bloggers I hate - ok, hate's a little strong but you get what I'm saying.  Nothing bad has happened unless you count having to write 50 million papers on stuff I've already written papers on.  Let's just say school, life, work, etc got in the way and blogging wasn't really a priority.  I still read everyone's blogs - I love living vicariously through others!

So the catch-up - winter was good and bad.  Good because I spent lots of time in Southern Pines and Aiken but bad because it rained just about every other day and when it wasn't raining, it was snowing.  Yes, snowing.  In South Carolina.  What the heck?!?!  We went to a few shows where Wonderpony was wonderful (some things never change) and he got to frolic with his best friend, Alex.

Winning! In Southern Pines.

They love each other - Charlie is on the left…

Then I got caught-up in a bunch of stuff for the Navy.  Lot's of training in VA which while good money, left Charlie doing nothing in SC.  One good thing of going to VA (besides the money!) was reconnecting with an old friend who I hadn't seen in 10 yrs.  Abby lived right on the beach (she has since moved back to the Washington, D.C. area) so I thought it would be a great idea to take a mini-vacay there in June.

Seriously, this is right out Abby's back door.  It was amazing!

After going to VA Beach, it seemed like the barn owner's were gone non-stop and I was left taking care of the farm.  We all know how much I love the heat so needless to say, not a whole lot of riding going on as all my energy was consumed taking care of the farm.

I did ride a few times though!

I went through a really tough spot this summer.  I thought very seriously about selling Charlie.  Honestly, I'm 35, not married (and not entirely sure I ever will be - don't worry, I'm totally ok with this), and I don't make a ton of money - sometimes I feel horribly irresponsible having a horse when I should be using that money to save for a down payment on a house (don't really want one of these either) or something else equally boring.  I'm also contemplating grad school and having Charlie sometimes makes me feel trapped.  Kinda like having a kid except I feel fairly certain Charlie is more fun. ;)  Then I decided no way could I sell so maybe I should just look for some sort of free lease situation.  I traveled down this road a fair way, even going so far as to talk to a potential leasee. Then I went to visit Cherie in PA.

Riding among the corn in Chester County, PA.

Cherie was willing to help me sell or lease Charlie, whatever I decided.  Her husband was on the sell bandwagon - he made me cry at dinner one night and again when we were talking in the barn (he was just being honest - not mean).  I had already decided no to selling and was pretty much ok with the lease-thing until Cherie made a comment that Charlie may not come back the way I let him go - meaning his personality may change.  His personality is the reason I love him so much.  Once she said that, I knew he wasn't going anywhere.  While it might not be the smartest financial decision, it is the smartest health decision I've ever made.  Who needs to retire anyway, right?

Love this face!

So I've taken the pressure off myself from a riding standpoint.  I'l ride when I can and enjoy petting his pretty nose when I can't and not feel guilty about wasting an uber talented horse.  I'm a little bummed that I'm not doing more with him but he doesn't care so why should I?  I'm going to try to blog more - I guess I feel sometimes like what's the point, we don't do anything interesting unless you count our trips to the farrier (who by the way is seriously AWESOME!) but I will try to do better.  I love reading about everyone else's journey no matter where they are going so I guess some folks may like reading about our meanderings.


Charlie has had a wonderful summer - he's fat (as in borderline obese), shiny, healthy, and most importantly happy.  And so am I.


  1. That's a lot to think about! I'm glad you're back and that you're keeping your beautiful boy :)

  2. So glad to see you back! You guys are great together, and realizing that horses don't have a competition agenda took a huge weight off my shoulders as well.

  3. Woohoo! Happy to be an ear as you know I'm also on the struggle bus. Glad you're keeping the red guy :)

  4. Hes looking good. You can only do what you can...take it one step at a time. :)

  5. So glad you are keeping him - and yes, you totally need to do what's best for you. kudos to taking care of yourself, doing that is never a waste.

  6. Whoa, serious resonance here in many ways! I've had some of the same thoughts -- Encore is bored (although if he'd quit being suicidal, he'd get to do more!) and I'm exhausted and Way Beyond broke. Not doing the man maintenance & spawns thing either. But the horse part has all been spinning around in my head lately (of course, Solo's never going anywhere) and I'd come to pretty much the same conclusion. Enjoy the ride!

  7. I'm glad that your back to blogging again! It's great that you're keeping Charlie too :)

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